Notes from Abroad

The overseas experiences of NC State University students

Noi’s Local Market



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While we were in Kanchanaburi, the owner of our guesthouse, Noi, turned out to be a rare find. She routinely teaches her guests how to cook Thai dishes, and takes them to a local market to sample all kinds of authentic Thai food, for 10 or even 5 baht a piece. She buzzed us through, bringing up handful after handful of delicious and ridiculously cheap sweets, snacks and grilled meats and vegeatables. I wish I could list everything I tried, but it was one, succulent blur of spice and zest. Everything was good.


She also showed us the countryside, golden with ripening rice fields (something I had never seen before) and humming with the sound of buffalo and cattle grazing. I always forget how big those animals are in real life, and I quickly understood why the elderly Thai man we met carries a slingshot when he’s around the buffalo.

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Noi also told us about her concerns for the future, such as younger Thais preferring Western fast foods to traditional Thai veggies and spicy meats, the over-abundance of plastic bags being used in retail, and disorganized recycling system and how many rural Thais are still ignorant about proper recycling and trash disposal methods. She really was a forward-thinker, and we were all grateful for her honest input and guidance through the market!

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